Frequently Asked Questions

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When you’re considering assisted living or memory care for yourself or a loved one, we’re here to help you make the best decision for your family. 

Explore our FAQs to get started, and don’t hesitate to contact us if you need more information. Schedule a visit to experience the Inspired Living difference for yourself.

Is It Time to Consider Senior Living?

Deciding on senior living is a big step, and it’s natural to feel uncertain. If you’re wondering whether now is the right time, you’re not alone. We’re here to provide helpful insights to support you and your family in this important decision.

Take our quick survey to find out if senior living is the right choice for you and your family.

Frequently Asked Questions

Not every lifestyle is the same, and not everyone needs the same services. Because of this, we determine our costs case-by-case. However, you can learn about some of our starting costs by browsing our floor plans and pricing.

Learn more about each of our lifestyles:

Respite stays are also available.

We offer a range of unique services to help enhance your experience. Some of these services include:

  • Weekly religious services provided for spiritual care and connection.
  • On-call maintenance services 24/7, with on-site support five days a week.
  • Weekly laundry services included, with additional options available for a fee.
  • Housekeeping services offered weekly, with extra services available for a fee.
  • Secured entrances and exits, with 24/7 staffing for your safety and peace of mind.
  • Pull cords and emergency pendants available to provide immediate assistance.
  • Transportation provided for convenient access to shopping, medical appointments, and outings.

Memory care is specifically designed to support residents living with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other conditions that can cause cognitive challenges. This lifestyle is led by trained memory care experts, ensuring our residents have everything they need to enjoy life with stability and comfort.

Some suites are shared while others are private. It ultimately depends on the needs of each resident.

Of course! Our nurses and caregivers will be happy to help with all medication needs.

Yes. We will have you and your family review all relevant paperwork to ensure you have everything you need before moving into one of our communities.

You may qualify for different programs depending on your age, location, and employment history. For example, the VA Aid and Attendance program is specifically designed to help veterans and their spouses cover the cost of living expenses.

Please speak with our team today if you’d like to know more.

Residents are free to bring small pets (30 lbs. and under) so long as they can care for them.

Absolutely! Feel free to bring art pieces, family heirlooms, and furniture along after you join one of our communities.

We host various on-site therapy programs our residents can join whenever they see fit. These programs range from occupational therapy all the way to physical and speech therapy.

Our caregiving experts are leaders in our industry. They’ve been given the latest training to help them ensure our residents live the life they deserve.

Our community members deserve the best, and we take the time to train our staff properly so they can deliver the best.

Schedule a Visit to Inspired Living at Lakewood Ranch

We’re here to answer any additional questions you may have.

Schedule a visit or contact our team to learn more about Inspired Living at Lakewood Ranch and how we can support your family’s needs.

Inspired Lifestyles

Assisted Living

Assisted Living supports independence with a helping hand, empowering residents to live comfortably with the right level of personalized care.

Memory Care

Specialized, purpose-built memory care helps those with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia stay connected, engage their minds, and get daily support.

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